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JuNeng Composite Materials Co.,Ltd

Showing 1 - 10 of 13, total 2 pages        [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]

fiberglass stitched mat
fiberglass stitched mat
Specification: 13
Detail: Stitched mat Fiberglass stitched mat is made from chopped fiberglass strands randomly dispersed and laid on a roving matrix and stitched together with organic fibers. Fiberglass stitched mat is used primarily in pultrusion, R...

fiberglass roofing tissue/mat
fiberglass roofing tissue/mat
Specification: 12
Detail: Fiberglass Roofing Tissue/Mat Roofing Mat, S-RM, is mainly used as substrates for water-proof roofing materials.It has a good impermeability, high strength, corrosion resistance high porosity,easy pitch soak and other char...

chopped strand mat
chopped strand mat
Specification: 11
Detail: E-GLASS OR C-GLASS Chopped strand mat is made from fiberglass strands chopped to length and bonded together with powder or emulsion binder. Chopped strand mat is used primarily for hand lay-up processes, filament winding and p...

fiberglass insect screening
fiberglass insect screening
Specification: 10
Detail: Fiberglass Insect Screening is made of fiberglass strand with Vinyl coating (PVC), after plain weaving by loom then individual strand's joints of mesh melted together, so uniform mesh with strong joints is obtained. The popula...

fiberglass wall coverings
fiberglass wall coverings
Specification: 09
Detail: Fiberglass wall coverings is a new wall covering material, it made of fiberglass texturized yarn or distort fiberglass fuzzy yarn, are suitable for interior decorations of offices, living rooms, shop, school, theatres, cinemas...

fiberglass self-adhesive tape
fiberglass self-adhesive tape
Specification: 08
Detail: Fiberglass Self-adhesive Tape The products use woven fiberglass mesh as base material, after coated with acrylic acid copolymer liquid then clean cut into different width and length tape. The chemical stability and no oxygena...

fiberglass yarn
fiberglass yarn
Specification: 07
Detail: Fiberglass Yarn Fiberglass yarn is made from many 4-13 micron fiberglass filament which are then gathered and twisted into one finished yarn. It is widely used in production of fabrics as finished well as electrical wrapping ...

fiberglass mesh fabric
fiberglass mesh fabric
Specification: 06
Detail: Fiberglass mesh fabric is made of C-glass or E-glass woven fabric, which is then coated with acrylic acid copolymer liquid. Thus, it possesses the properties of good alkaline-resistance, high strength, good cohesion, and excel...

woven roving
woven roving
Specification: 05
Detail: Woven Roving is a bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct roving in plain weave pattern. Woven Roving is co***tible with many resins. It is a high-performance reinforcement and widely used in hand and machine producti...

spray up roving
spray up roving
Specification: 04
Detail: Spray up roving is made of E-glass multi-end fiber. Mainly utilized in spray up process, Hobas pipe, continuous filament winding pipe and panel manufacturing. They are co***tible with unsaturated polyester(UP), vinlylester(VE)...
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